Local Academy Committee

Local Academy Committee Terms of Reference

There will be two main Local Academy Committee meetings during each term which all local academy committee members attend.  This has removed the need for committees.  Our termly meetings will have the following remit:

  1. Strategic Vision

Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;

  • Diocese/Worship/Links with Christ Church
  • Parent Voice
  • Pupil Voice
  • Partnerships
  • Community – local, national and international
  1. Curriculum and Achievement

Holding the Principal to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff;

  • Principal’s Report
  • Quality of Teaching
  • Attendance
  • Curriculum
  • Pupil premium monitoring and evaluation
  • Pupil progress
  • Communication with parents and the local community
  • Extended school – extra-curricular activities
  1. Finance, Personnel & Health and Safety

Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

  • Equality and Diversity
  • Safeguarding
  • Behaviour and Discipline
  • Budget setting and updates
  • Health and safety
  • Premises
  • Financial controls and reporting
  • Staffing

In the event of an appeal panel or disciplinary panel being required, the Local Academy Committee at Christ Church CE Primary Academy has agreed that any local academy member may be asked to be a member of that panel subject to availability, training and lack of personal involvement.

Guidance on Meetings

  • There will be occasions where attendance at the meetings will include people who are not local academy committee members.
  • A member of the teaching staff will be invited to one of the local academy committee meetings during an academic year to share relevant information about the progress their class are making and the leadership of their national curriculum subject.
  • The quorum for a meeting will be at least 2/3 of the local academy committee.

LAC Members

Chair of the Local Academy Committee: Mr Colin Parkes

c/o Christ Church CE Primary Academy, William Street, Fenton, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 2JG

Name Type of Member
Andy Colclough (Vice Chair) Parent
Colin Parkes (Chair) Trust Appointed
Rob Kenyon Trust Representative
Paula Scattergood (Principal) Ex Officio
Bethany Shaw Staff
Carol Paxton Parent
Emma Wilkes Vice Principal/Associate Member
Louise Warrilow Clerk to the Local Academy Committee

Link Governors

The following link members were agreed by the Local Academy Committee. These will be reviewed annually (autumn term):

Safeguarding and Child Protection: Mr Rob Kenyon

SEN and Mental Health and Well-Being: Rev Geoff Eze

Christian Distinctiveness: Mr Colin Parkes

Pupil Premium: Mr Rob Kenyon

Health and Safety:  Mr Andy Colclough

Attendance at LAC Meetings 2023-2024

Attendance at LAC Meetings 22-23

Local Academy Business Interests 23-24

Local Academy Business Interests 22-23

Attendance at LAC Meetings 2021-2022

Local Academy Business Interests 21-22 v2

Local Academy Business Interests 2021-2022

Local Academy Business Interests 2020-2021

LAC Attendance 2020-2021

Local Academy Business Interests 2019-2020

Attendance at LAC Meetings 2019-2020

Governing Body Business Interests

Governing Body 2017-2018

Local Academy Committee Business Interests 2018-2019

Governor Attendance 2016-2017

Governor Attendance 2017-2018

Local Academy Committee Attendance 2018-2019